Podcast: Judas Priestcast

The international podcast dedicated to Judas Priest. Longtime fans (and new friends) George and Hattie talk about the music and history of the Metal Gods, with guests from around the world.

Dying to Meet You / Hero Hero

Guest: Scott Haskin from Las Vegas, USA (Magician's Podcast, HaskinCast, Back Tracks: Aerosmith) https://www.scotthaskin.com/ We came in this morning high on a bird's wing to bring you this episode of Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love…

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Your Voices: Heavy Duty, Never the Heroes, Rising from Ruins

Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, we're reading your comments! We love hearing what you metal maniacs think about “Heavy Duty”, “Defenders of the Faith”, “Never the Heroes”, and…

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Heroes End

Guest: Jonatan Hedlin from Stockholm, Sweden (⁠@maidenazpod / @sofarsopod)   There's still so many things to say unsaid at Judas Priestcast. Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, Jonatan (Maiden…

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Killing Machine

Guest: Melissa Nee from Boston, USA (@MetalChatPod) Share what you think about “Killing Machine”! Find us here: Email: judaspriestpod@gmail.com Twitter:  ⁠https://twitter.com/JudasPriestcast⁠ Judas Priestcast is part of the Deep Dive Podcast Network. Check out  ⁠https://twitter.com/deepdivepodnet?lang=en⁠ for more great pods dedicated to covering classic metal and rock artists in detail, and find a new favorite show! Judas…

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Run of the Mill

Guest: Fearghal Trayor from Dublin, Ireland (@FeckinMetalCast) Strive for that something we all have deep inside, here at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. Kicking off a block of 4…

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Bonus: Scottish & Local Metal Chat with Tyrannus (Callum)

A bonus conversation that your hosts had with Callum John Cant of the band Tyrannus. We talk about local metal bands in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Brooklyn, USA, and Glasgow, Scotland. Expand your horizons and learn a little about the Scottish metal scene! Featured sources and music: Heavy Communion: “The Best Heavy Metal Album From Every Country…

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No Surrender

Guest: Andrew DuBroy from Ottawa, Canada (@dubroy27) We’re chasing a dream as we get higher at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, Firepower February is rounded out…

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Firepower (title track)

Guest: Callum John Cant from Scotland (@Tyrannus, guitars / vocals / songwriting / lyrics in Tyrannus) With weapons drawn we claim the future here at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal…

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Rising from Ruins (& Guardians)

We’re standing as one and we’re carrying on here at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, Firepower February is coming in hot with guest host, Greg from…

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Never the Heroes

Like a cobra we will strike here at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, your hosts kick off Firepower February with our first ever guest host, Adz…

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