(Take These) Chains w/ BeaverMosh [PRIDE]

Guest: Maddie (BeaverMosh YouTube | Twitter) (Minneapolis, USA)

We're reaching out as if from the grave at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George (he) and Hattie (she/any) come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band.

This time around, the Pride series continues with Maddie (she) of YouTube metal review & interview channel BeaverMosh. Maddie tells us all about her love of metal and exposing new artists, as well as her ideals and experiences as a queer person in our metal community. Later, your hosts break down “(Take These) Chains”, a single from 1982's Screaming for Vengeance. We find plenty of queer-coding in this track, touch onto the serious topic of abusive relationships, and evaluate the inclusion of this song on the album. You can try to run, but this episode's tied to you like a slave, so grab a drink and enjoy.

Share what you think about “(Take These) Chains”! Find us here:

Email: judaspriestpod@gmail.com

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Judas Priestcast is part of the Deep Dive Podcast Network. Check out ⁠⁠⁠https://twitter.com/deepdivepodnet?lang=en⁠⁠⁠ for more great pods dedicated to covering classic metal and rock artists in detail, and find a new favorite show!

Judas Priestcast is created and produced by: George Silano, Hattie McHatterson

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