Podcast: Seaside Pod Review

Kev and Randy work their way through the Queen catalogue, one (random) song at a time.

Father To Son (and Procession)

Hey you lovely old lot. We’re heading back to Queen II today and there’s more Steven Seagull in this week’s episode. Look, don’t blame us, we just go where the social media comments take us! We discuss whether the French should be allowed to have passports, cookie monster metal, we’re accused of being rude by…

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Let Me Live

If Randy were to title this episode, he’d call it “Oh oh, take it, take another little piece of my heart now baby. You know you’ve got it if it makes you feel good” The episode is late, it’s fucking long (sorry, it just is!) and Kevin is starting to hallucinate because he’s been awake…

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Save Me

If Kevin were to title this episode, he’d call it “Save Me” but that would be really lame, so Randy’s gonna call it “Sir Brian May needs no saving because he wrote Save Me!” There’s more pre in the preamble this week folks because Kev needed closure after the shitstorm that last week’s episode created….

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If Randy were to stitch Kev up and put words in his mouth, he’d call it “It’s all condiments and no main course” The boys were close in their assessment of this one but split the vote! We talk Bugs Bunny, the gravy and cheese based abuse of the Kurds, and listen to the 39th…

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Great King Rat

If Kev were to title this episode he’d call it “Please sir, can I have another solo?” or possibly, “Hey Randy, quit swanning around in Edmonton and write the damned outro!” Rats, Brahms, toms, solos, ostentatiousness. It’s all in this week’s episode folks. We roll back all the way to the first album and even…

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If Randy were to title this episode he’d call it “What number did John call to phone in his bassline?”, or possibly “Hey Fred, can you make this cool?!” Hoop diddy diddy, hoop diddy who the hell writes this shit? Kev is crestfallen at the lack of lyrical imagination from the usually brilliant Brian May….

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If Randy were to title this episode he’d call it “To fall in love was my first mistake”, or possibly “Where’s the fucking kick drum!?” Our third song from Jazz is the plaintive ballad, Jealousy. Kev is pretty sure Freddie didn’t play to click tracks, Randy doesn’t own a fretless bass, and who’s that tap,…

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Is This The World We Created

If Randy were to title this episode he’d call it “This is the world we created”, or possibly “We need a ballad for the live show”. Another unanimous decision from this pair of idiots who can’t bear to disagree. Seriously, why do they bother? Why continue? Why speak in the third person when I’m one…

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If Randy were to title this episode he’d call it “Mutual Masturbation”, or possibly, “Nice licks Eddie!”. Just a short ep for you this week with the boys talking about 1983’s Starfleet project. We looked at the single edit and this one was recorded live in person so it was a challenge to put this…

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I Want It All

If Kevin were to title this episode he’d call it “Randy forgot to title this episode”, or maybe “passive aggressive podcast prose”. The boys are unanimous in their assessment of this late-era Queen track; the second from The Miracle in the last three episodes! They talk about whether the synths make sense on this one,…

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