Podcast: Hawkbinge

A journey through the Hawkwind discography with someone who has never heard any of the albums before.

Ep 17: The Xenon Codex

And so, with the `Chronicle of the Black Sword finally concluded, Hawkwind end the 1980's with The Xenon Codex, and so Hawkbinge brings the curtain crashing down on season 2 with a deep dive into this enigmatic little gem. As ever, we look at the music landscape of 1988 (Rick Astley “Never Gonna Give You…

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Ep 16: Live Chronicles

A “Live Chronicles” bonus special episode, with a very special guest… You can't really talk about “Chronicle of the Black Sword” without talking about “Live Chronicles”, the live record of the tour that brought all of Hawkwind's Moorcock-inspired furore to the stage, with dancers, sword fights, readings (occasionally from the man himself), and more sword…

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Ep 15: Chronicle of the Black Sword

ELRIC: Arioch! Aide me in my hour of need!ARIOCH: I am here, what dost thou wishest?ELRIC: I wishest for HAWKBINGE!!! And here it is! Finally! Episode 15, “Chronicle of the Black Sword”, a full 2.5+ hours of swords, sorcery and rock n’ roll, in which Matt gets introduced to Elric of Melniboné, the Eternal Champion…

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Ep 14: Choose Your Masques

It's a monster 2 hours of Hawkbinge this time around – Matt has chosen his masque, which side will he be on? Find out here, as Hawkbinge deep dives into 1982’s Choose Your Masques… As ever, we look at what was going in the music world in 1982 and take stock of where the band…

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Ep 13: Church of Hawkwind

The Church of Hawkbinge opens it's doors once again, and everyone is welcome! Yes, the oddity that is Church of Hawkwind in the focus this time. Regardless of whether one considers it “Hawkwind canon” or not, (Wikipedia says it is, and that's good enough for Hawkbinge), it's a key moment in Hawk history and a…

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Ep 12: Sonic Attack

Do not panic! Hawkbinge returns with the long-awaited Sonic Attack episode. The record label has changed, so has the line-up and so has the music. Ginger has gone. So has Tim. And Keith, whoever he was. But Mike is in! And so is Martin! And the band are talking and sounding tough. What will Matt…

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Ep 11: Levitation

Boom! Hawkbinge kicks off season 2 big time with “Levitation”, the album by Ginger Baker's Air-Hawks. The first album of season 2, the first album of the 1980's and the first, and only studio album on the Bronze label. In this episode Andy & Matt look back on the new releases from 1980, check out…

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Ep 10.5: The Master Playlist So Far… 70’s

The Hawkbinge Master Playlist on Spotify is made up of one track from each album as selected by Matt, our first-time listener. While we wait patiently for season 2 to begin (it's very close now…) we take a little look back at the tracks Matt chose from the 1970's albums and revisit the discussion we…

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Ep 10: End of Season Special – The 70’s

The Hawkbinge NEW YEAR SPECIAL episode! We're at the end of 2021 and we find Hawkwind at the end of Calvert's tenure, the end o f their Charisma contract, at the end of the 1970's and possibly at the end of the band. What better time to take stock of the state of play both…

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Ep 9: PXR5

“This is the last but one” So reads the cryptic message on the back of PXR5, the final Hawkwind studio release of the 1970's, the final release with Robert Calvert and the final release on the Charisma label. It's also the final release of season 1 of Hawkbinge but not the final Hawkbinge release of…

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