A dive into the song Here Am I by Uriah Heep
Episode: 2-7
Song: Here Am I
Air date: 12-17-2020
Lead Vocals: David Byron
Guitar: Mick Box
Bass: Paul Newton
Drums: Keith Baker
Keys: Ken Hensley
I sit in my sunny chair with my head held low
I know the reason I’m dreaming
It’s really been fun but where is there left to go
Save to give my life a new meaning
And if by chance you’d come my way
I’ll have to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love
How was I to know your heart wasn’t satisfied
When you never troubled to tell me
No wish that you made to me ever was denied
I played it just the way that it should be
But then you turned and walked away
I had to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love
I imagine I must sit here till the winter comes
And just watch the days growing shorter
To gather in dust won’t go till my thinking’s done
And I walk from this troubled water
By then my need won’t be so bad
And I’ll gladly say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love
Thanks to:
My Graphic Artist Scott Ladzinski
Audionamix – click here – I will not do a podcast without Instant Dialog Cleaner!
My friends in the #DeepDivePodcastNetwork:
Nate and John at the Deep Purple Podcast
The Simple Man at Skynnred Reconsydrd Podcast
Terry T-Bone Mathley at TBone’s Prime Cuts
Rhy at the Sabbath Bloody Podcast
Paul, Joe and David at the At The Lap of the Pods
Also, check out https://gottahearemall.com/ for well researched information on Deep Purple and Emmerson, Lake and Palmer/Powell
Check out Ace The Music Man on Stitcher here
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