Podcast: Seaside Pod Review

Kev and Randy work their way through the Queen catalogue, one (random) song at a time.

Sail Away Sweet Sister

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I know your my sister, but I’m looking at you… You could sort of condense the lyrics in this one down to that sentence. Nylon strings, epic bass, and a soulful piano make up the bones of this song, but its muscle comes from the brilliance of Brian’s voice…

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Put Out the Fire

In materials science, quenching is the rapid cooling of a workpiece in water, gas, oil, polymer, air, or other fluids to obtain certain material properties. A type of heat treating, quenching prevents undesired low-temperature processes, such as phase transformations, from occurring. It does this by reducing the window of time during which these undesired reactions…

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Today’s episode covers the big cahuna. The monster. The behemoth. None more Queen. The song that didn’t just put Queen on the map, but also tore the map up into tiny little shreds and force fed the pieces to an ungrateful music press who just didn’t get it. “Unfortunately, Queen’s lyrics are not the stuff…

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Life Is Real (Song for Lennon)

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Is…

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If You Can’t Beat Them

Randy’s having trouble with the word minfastition, maniseftation, fannystemnation, well whatever it is, Randy just can’t say it! In a first for the podcast, there is live confectionary eating and mroe discussion about cake than anyone needs to hear, but, we’ve drawn a line under it now, so we can all put it behind us!…

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Ogre Battle

Randy’s having problems with his issues, whatever the hell that means! And he still won’t quite raggin’ on poor Kev about the Shepherd’s Pie debacle. Bastard! We’re goin’ deep into fantasy this week and we’ve already had one duster from Randy for a proggier flight of fancy from Brian, way back in Episode two (oops,…

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Killer Queen

Saltpeter and sulfur and charcoal, oh my! How many pods within a pod can you reasonably expect to get away with? The cake vs pie fiasco has now spilled over into another podcast, and Corey’s not having it! This week sees Kev and Randy take on one of the titans of the Queen discography. Our…

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Man on the Prowl

How big is a bee’s dick exactly? Well, if my extensive online research is to be trusted (and there’s no reason it should be), it’s 4.8mm on average. Holy shit! Bee’s are packing!!! No wonder the Queen is knackered all the time… The cake vs pie fiasco rumbles on with neither side willing to give…

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Fight from the Inside

What are maple syrup tits? Well, I can’t say that we ever got to the bottom of that, but Randy was sure insistent that it’s a real thing even though Kevin was sceptical. The pie vs cake argument rages on and Kev is fiendishly plotting a Shepherd’s Cake recipe, to prove to Randy that pie…

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