Podcast: Seaside Pod Review

Kev and Randy work their way through the Queen catalogue, one (random) song at a time.


You grow up, go to school, study hard, pass your exams, go to college, take some more exams, work hard some more, you get a job, earn a bunch of money and save as much as can and eventually you buy a house, you fill it with all the things you want that make your…

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You Take My Breath Away

Episode 92 in the books already? Are you serious? We’ve covered more songs than we have left and the only big questions we have left to answer in the second half of the pod are; will Randy’s hat finally be fucked? How much is his oath going to suffer? And is he quite as committed…

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Watching the Wheels

As a huge thank you to the people who have very generously donated some of their hard earned scratch to us over on our Ko-Fi account, we came up with the idea of letting people give us non-Queen songs to talk about and vote on. This week’s song was requested by the wonderful Al Dudeney….

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10 From 40 #two

It’s time to recap the next block of forty songs we’ve covered! Is Kev going lean heavily 70s? Will Randy pick anything from Queen 2? There’s a public service announcement about the perils of dying your own hair, a slight twist on the Tweet of the Week, a needless discussion of Randy’s “meaty” hair, oh,…

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It’s Late

It’s six and a half minutes long. It’s blues rock. It’s a Brian May tune. The Cardinal is gonna hate it. Right? Well, maybe, but you never know with that guy. Sometimes he votes peculiarly (which is a hard word to say when you’re hammered!) We get into bass lines, waistlines, and wastes of time…

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Bicycle Race

Sixty five professional female models, sixty five bicycle seats that Halfords wouldn’t accept when returned, 36 repetitions of the word bicycle. Seventy eight live performances, one hundred and one weeks on global charts, over one million units sold in the US alone and one Rolling Stone reporter sickened and outraged. Not bad for a three…

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Funny How Love is

He unscrews the cap of a new whiskey bottle, shuffles about in his candle-lit hovel in his candle lit hovel, like some kind of tit, with blue fingers in mittens, he smells like the cats, and the neighbours he sickend. But enough about Randy, I’m going to make him blush! Settle down with your best…

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Khashoggi’s Ship

An interesting fact about Saudi Arabia for you is that Oil was first struck there in March 1938, in the Dammam Oilfield. In Riyadh, around 100 camels per day are sold, and it’s home to the world’s largest sandy desert. Oh, also, they murder journalists in cold blood and are surruptitiously buying up sports franchises…

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It’s not the A side and it’s not the C side, well it’s the seaside as in all one word s e a… you get what I’m saying.It’s the B SIDE pod review. We’re not digging into the main catalogue today because Randy’s off working on some or other big budget Hollywood production and rubbing…

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White Man

White men have a lot to answer for. Now don’t get all Jordan Peterson on me and say “NOT ALL WHITE MEN!” No, not all, but damn well enough! And certainly historically. But is it a good idea for rock stars to tackle serious subjects? And how does Brian do with this one? It’s back…

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