Podcast: Seaside Pod Review

Kev and Randy work their way through the Queen catalogue, one (random) song at a time.

Let Me Entertain You

Episode One Hundred? Who’d have ever imagined we’d get this far? Who would ever have imagined that Randy would still be willing to sit down and listen to Kev fanboy about Queen every week? Who’d have ever thought that a man with a peanut for a brain and a face painted with deck stain would…

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Machines (or ‘Back to Humans’)

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too…

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I Can’t Live Without You

“Hey guys, I’ve been working on tracks for a potential solo album and came up with this idea. Whaddya think?!” “Well, Freddie wrote a cat song, Rog’ is on about cars again, and I don’t really have anything that I’m super pumped about, so I guess we could try it……..” said John. Probably. Well, maybe….

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Bring Back That Leroy Brown

How much Brown would a Leroy Brown if a Leroy could brown Brown? Fucked if I know and to be honest, I don’t think it’s overly relevant to this week’s episode. There’s a whole lot of Jim Croce, because Kev loves him and Kev does the edit, so Kev gets to put Jim Croce in…

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Halfway Hotel

The Cardinal is off making money to support his family again. What a douche! Anyway, luckily we had some Kofi eps recorded so we’re giving you a band neither of us had heard and their one-hit-wonder song that charted in the UK and Australia. This week’s song was requested by Alan Dudeney! If Kev were…

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Pain Is So Close to Pleasure

Tony Robbins once said that “The Secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you can do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.” Then again, Tony Robbins is a gigantic cock womble, so I wouldn’t listen…

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I Contain Multitudes

As a huge thank you to the people who have very generously donated some of their hard earned scratch to us over on our Ko-Fi account, we came up with the idea of letting people give us non-Queen songs to talk about and vote on. This week’s song was requested by Michele Stagman-Kurlander. If Kev…

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The Loser in the End

Once upon a time, there was a guitarist named Mick Mars. He practiced every day. He practiced every night. He got so good that a famous musician named David invited him to be one of the spiders from Mars. After recording and touring for years with the Thin Ziggy Starman, he wanted to challenge himself…

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You Don’t Fool Me

(You don’t fool me, you don’t fool me) na na na nah (You don’t fool me, you don’t fool me) na na na nah (You don’t fool me, you don’t fool me) na na na na nah (You don’t fool me, you don’t fool me) na na na nah (You don’t fool me, you don’t…

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