Podcast: Seaside Pod Review

Kev and Randy work their way through the Queen catalogue, one (random) song at a time.

My Life Has Been Saved

There is no tumescence. There is just floppy. HEY! It’s not what you think! Look, it’ll make a lot more sense once you listen to the episode… Look, all I was saying was that the chef made a meal a certain way so before you start slathering it with all sorts of condiments, maybe give…

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Dead On Time

The increase of disorder or entropy is what distinguishes the past from the future, giving a direction to time. That’s according to noted layabout and robot impersonator Stephen Hawking. So I wouldn’t take any advice from that guy! You know who does know about time though? Brian Harold May, that’s who! Set your watches and…

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Thank God It’s Christmas

Thank fuck it’s Boxing Day! How’s everyone doing? Mince pies all hoovered up by the dog? Grandma not speaking to Auntie Jan because of the incident with the Christmas crackers? How about them Jets??? Look, it’s that time of year. You can overindulge, listen to shitty music, and just damn well enjoy yourself! That’s what…

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All Dead, All Dead

‘E’s passed on! This cat is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain…

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Friends Will Be Friends

Man, the last time I had to do this intro, we were talking about Pain Is So Close To Please! Why am I getting the non-rockers from A Kind of Magic all of a sudden? Oh well, it’s all still Queen, right? You have to love everything to call yourself a real fan. Hey I…

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Death on Two Legs (Dedicated To…)

We’re back baby! Now, let’s see if we can remember how this works… we have to spin a donut, or a coin, or something like that. We have to pull up wikileaks, and talk about the Queen, then ask a bunch of Poles what they think of the song we just listened to that the…

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I Got You

This is the last episode we recorded while the Cardinal was in Winnipeg a few weeks back and concludes the epic Randy-does-his-laundry-during-the-pod narrative trilogy! This week’s song was requested by Chrissy AKA The Waters of Love! Randy was really familiar with the song and Kev was pretty sure he’d never heard it, so how will…

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My Baby Does Me

“My baby what? Does me? Are you sure? Good? She does me good you say? Well, that doesn’t sound awful. Wait, what, that’s the lyrics of the new song???? That doesn’t sound great mate. Can we maybe run it by Bri and Rog and see what… OK OK. Yeh, I can probably play some sort…

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