Podcast: Judas Priestcast

The international podcast dedicated to Judas Priest. Longtime fans (and new friends) George and Hattie talk about the music and history of the Metal Gods, with guests from around the world.

S2-EP14 Three generations of Priest with Mike

This week we welcome in Black Iron Judas (@RockNRoll716) or Mike if you prefer. Mike is a righteous family man who fits comfortably in the middle of three generations of Priest fans. Mike has an interesting introduction to Judas Priest and delivers the goods on the recent Priest show he and his lovely daughter attended….

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S2-EP13 Front row show review with Sam

This week we welcome back our associate co host, Sam(@kickysam49). Sam tells us all about the first show of the U.S. leg of the Invincible Shield tour in Wallingford,CT.. We get a front row perspective of a true Spinal Tap moment and a complete rig rundown. We also discuss set list openers and personal Priest…

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S2-EP12 Vinyl addiction with Tracy

This week we talk to vinyl collector Tracy (@ecksteinish) about her musical journey. It includes lots of talk about sad music that isn't doom metal. Tracy is interesting and smart and has an infectious laugh! Jeff's spirit gets a bit restless and he butchers a concert story. The Spinner returns and we chat about records…

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S2- EP11 Devin Reiche from Anubis

Joining the Priestcast this time around is Matt(@mattalica73) and Devin Reiche lead singer of the killer metal band,Anubis(@anubismetal21). Devin chats about the new Anubis album Dark Paradise and speaks of his influences as well as metal in general. Of course we talk about the mighty Judas Priest as well! And there is a bonus achievement…

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S2-EP10 Influence with Punt Road

This week we come to you from a land down under,where beer does flow and men chunder. We flick off the spiders and welcome in a true legend, Punt Road! Punt is as smart as Rob's whip and has a legendary sense of humor. We take a journey from Lil Punt's musical upbringing through to…

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S2- EP9 Just us Two Pod Clowns

This weeks Green Podalishi features only us Two Pod Clowns. We wax unpoetic about very important stuff like picking up dog shit and going to rock n roll shows. We also continue our Invincible shield talk and hit on the current tour setlist. This is a fun little quick hitter to keep you company! All…

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S2 EP8- Invincible Sheild with Martin Popoff

This Episode we welcome in the world's premier hard rock and heavy metal author, Martin Popoff. Martin takes us through his childhood and how he discovered his love of music. We also discuss his fascinating journey which lead up to his first self published book and eventually cemented him as the world's most prolific music…

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S2 EP7 Spring Training Baseball with Sam

Batter up! Our favorite baseball expert Sam (@kickysam49) steps up to the plate and joins us benchwarmers for another fun Priestcussion. What songs touch all the bases and which tracks strike out? The spinner gave us the amazing metal year 1988. Who will be a hitman for the order? The Priestcast just takes a minute…

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S2 EP6-NWOTHM and Triple Shot with Connor

This week Jeff(@mozsab) and Jay(@gaslampvictim) are joined by Connor Warman(@Coinnoi12). Connor is a brilliant young ladd who takes us on a global journey and exploration of NWOTHM bands. Some bands you may have never heard of are discussed along with some bands you are very familiar with. So get ready for some excellent recommendations and…

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Practice episode-Panic Attack

This was our very first attempt at podcasting. We never thought it would be released because we felt it didn't live up to our standards. We soon realized (as I'm sure you all have) that we have no standards. So here it is! In this practice episode,we discuss the first single from the upcoming Priest…

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