Podcast: Hawkbinge

A journey through the Hawkwind discography with someone who has never heard any of the albums before.

Ep 1: Hawkwind

Matt's introduction to Hawkwind – will he overcome his confusion?  Will he like “Hurry On Sundown”?  How will he cope with “The Reason Is?” and “Paranoia”?  All this, plus we catch up on what else we've been listening to, look at the music scene of 1970 and chat about where the Hawkwind concept seems to…

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Ep 0: Introduction to HawkBinge

Andy & Matt introduce HawkBinge, their journey through every Hawkwind album from 1970 to the present day.  While Andy has been into Hawkwind for many many years and knows all the albums very well, Matt has never heard any of them and so will be hearing all this music for the first time each episode. …

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