This week we welcome back Rick from the killer doom band Avernus and All American Headbanger, Matt (@mattalica73) from M-Theory Audio. The new Avernus album “Grievances” drops today! Drummer Rick tells us all about the writing and recording process along with the meaning behind Grievances. We also get into Rick's wild and interesting musical journey.
Matt has been friends with Avernus for around 30 years and even tried to get them signed back in the 90s and finally has the chance to officially work with them as publicist for M-Theory Audio. Matt has an encyclopedic music mind and is a must follow on the Twitter and YouTube. We all have a fun and interesting music discussion that was a blast!
The Spinner gave us the year 2000. Will our picks surprise you? Yes,the answer is yes.
Avernusdoom.com m-theoryaudio.com
@mattalica73 All American Headbanger
@DeepDivePodNet judaspriestpod@gmail.com
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