Guest: Andrew DuBroy from Ottawa, Canada (@dubroy27)
We’re chasing a dream as we get higher at Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band. This time around, Firepower February is rounded out by Andrew DuBroy from Ottawa, and we navigated a bevy of technical difficulties to get this one done. You might say we showed… No Surrender. Your trio of hosts break down this fun & quick tune that has become Glenn Tipton’s anthem, and muse on the album as a whole. We take a bit of time to hear about how Andrew became a Priest fan and the metal scene in Ottawa. Join us for one more dose of Firepower before February flames out.
Featured song: “Shadows in the Tower” by Scepter:
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Judas Priestcast is part of the Deep Dive Podcast Network. Check out https://twitter.com/deepdivepodnet?lang=en for more great pods dedicated to covering classic metal and rock artists in detail, and find a new favorite show!
Judas Priestcast is created and produced by: George Silano, Hattie McHatterson