Chaz and Wolfie visit on the news of the week, which is our inclusion in The Deep Dive Podcasting Network, Metallica’s new song from their upcoming album 72 Seasons and James Hetfield’s next obvious collaboration, this time with Peter Dinklage. In our main feature, we take a “more fairer” and balanced look at all this and the second track from the 2011 album Lulu by Lou Reed and Metallica, called The View. This track kicked us in the nuts, not in a bad way. A track slaying with metal brutality, in the vein of the heaviest of Sabbath-drenched riffs…ever. Is the tide turning on the opinion into the album overall?? It’s probably too early to tell, but the podcast is picking up steam with a meaty track up on the carving table…with a side of Swiss punkers The Lombego Surfers from Basel, Switzerland. Tony Thomas and the boys fry some kick-ass, surf-side garage punk right in your face. Join us for what hench shall be known as the “Zep II of RegardingLulu,” on this very special episode of RegardingLulu.