The Brothers are honoured to be joined by music journalist extraordinaire, Simon Harper to talk about his experience interviewing various members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers!
Interview 1: Anthony Kiedis 2003
Interview 2: Chad Smith 2009
Interview 3: Anthony Kiedis and Chad Smith 2011. Thecover picfor this interview had already been chosen before it became clear that Chad would be joining Anthony, not Flea.
Interview 4: Anthony Kiedis 2016.forTHIScover story. Theinterview was conducted on the same day that Simon hosted the band’s premiere of their Dark Necessities video, putting fans’ questions to Anthony live on the RHCP Facebook page. The video is onYouTube
Interview 5: Flea 2019. Flea talking about Acid For The Children for his owncover story
Interview 6: Anthony Kiedis 2022.
Interview 7: Flea 2022.Both this and Anthony were forTHIScover story.
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