Ep 11: Levitation

Boom! Hawkbinge kicks off season 2 big time with “Levitation”, the album by Ginger Baker's Air-Hawks. The first album of season 2, the first album of the 1980's and the first, and only studio album on the Bronze label.

In this episode Andy & Matt look back on the new releases from 1980, check out the renewed Galactico-filled state of the band, choose tracks for the Master and Sessions playlists on Spotify and take a good look at who is occupying the Hawkwind drum stool these days…

And, of course, they deep-dive into the music of Levitation and get Matt's response to yet another new direction for the band.

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.1 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.2 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.3 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Master playlist, also on Spotify.
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