The Hawkbinge Master Playlist on Spotify is made up of one track from each album as selected by Matt, our first-time listener. While we wait patiently for season 2 to begin (it's very close now…) we take a little look back at the tracks Matt chose from the 1970's albums and revisit the discussion we had around each one… We hope you enjoy, whether you agreed with Matt's picks or not…
Click here for the Hawkbinge Master playlist, on Spotify.
We truly appreciate all the tweets, messages, ratings and comments, and if you'd like to get in touch, you'll find Hawkbinge here: @hawkbinge on Twitter and Insta, and email podcast@hawkbinge.space.
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.1 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.2 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.3 playlist on Spotify
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