Episode 310 – Deep Purple – Gemini Suite
Show notes: https://deeppurplepodcast.com/2025/03/24/episode-310-deep-purple-gemini-suite/ Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the...
S4-EP5 Hell Bent For Shakespeare with Quinn
This weeks starr studded lineup of guests include John Paul George and Ringo along with David Bowie and Dave Mustaine among others. Of course none of our guests would...
Who Has The Right?
This week Sammy tell us murdering people is wrong in the song “Who Has The Right?”! Wanna be part of the insanity? Join our Patreon! You can follow us...
Sleeping on the Sidewalk
Ten songs down on News of the World and only one to go after this week’s episode! There’s no Freddie. We’re Freddieless. Bereft of Fred. There is a death,...
Songs and Music from She’s The One (with John Paulsen)
After a little bit of a false start, John and Kevin settle into a fun chat about soundtrack composition, how Ed Burn managed to lock in Wildflowers era-Tom Petty...
Episode 132 – Kansas – Leftoverture – Part 1
Episode 132 is live, and the wheel has spoken! This week on the Rock Roulette Podcast, we’re diving into Leftoverture by Kansas. Does this 1976 prog-rock classic still carry...
Maiden A-Z 184: Strange World
JH, HJ and ES putting in their best collective effort to acclimitize to a new, strange, world. Certainly a one of a kind track, a so called unicorn-bird.
Episode 309 – Zzebra
Show notes: https://deeppurplepodcast.com/2025/03/17/episode-309-zzebra/Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube...
S4-EP4 Priest Fantasy Draft with Sam
Spring has sprung and the smell of fresh mown grass,peanuts and hot dogs is in the air. Our Priestcast baseball expert Sam joins us again for our traditional Spring...
Bump and Grind
This week it’s back to DLR’s first post Van Halen LP with the track “Bump And Grind”! Wanna be part of the insanity? Join our Patreon! You can follow...
Episode 133 – Kansas – Leftoverture – Part 2
Episode 133 is here! This week on the Rock Roulette Podcast, we’re wrapping up our review of Kansas Leftoverture. Does the second half of this prog-rock classic keep the...