Guest: Scott Haskin from Las Vegas, USA (Magician's Podcast, HaskinCast, Back Tracks: Aerosmith)
We came in this morning high on a bird's wing to bring you this episode of Judas Priestcast! Two longtime Judas Priest fanatics (and new friends) George and Hattie come together from opposite sides of the world, united in their love of the iconic heavy metal band.
Winding down a block of episodes on 70s Priest, we enlisted the prolific Scott Haskin to offer input on one more track from Rocka Rolla: “Dying to Meet You/Hero Hero”. In this song, we find poignant lyrics that paint vivid visuals, and musical pieces indicative of the era. We also take some time to learn a bit about Uriah Heep, a contemporary band to Judas Priest, whose discography Scott has discussed in full on The Magician's Podcast. Grab a drink, have a listen, and let us know if this strange, lengthy, early-career tune slays and waylays in the heat of the midday sun.
Share what you think about “Dying to Meet You / Hero Hero”! Find us here:
Email: judaspriestpod@gmail.com
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Judas Priestcast is part of the Deep Dive Podcast Network. Check out https://twitter.com/deepdivepodnet?lang=en for more great pods dedicated to covering classic metal and rock artists in detail, and find a new favorite show!
Judas Priestcast is created and produced by: George Silano, Hattie McHatterson